Saturday 12 May 2018

Konsep TOD dan Kawasan Hijau menjadi Andalan Woodland Park Residances

Jakarta - Perpaduan ideal antara tempat tinggal, perkantoran dan area komersial yang berkembang membuat Jakarta Selatan tetap dilirik sebagai primadona di sektor properti. Tetap bisa bersaing dengan kawasan penyangga yang juga terus berkembang pesat.

Selain masih termasuk kawasan yang lebih hijau dibanding kawasan lainnya, pembangunan Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) di Jakarta Selatan turut mendorong investor dan konsumen properti melirik kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Salah satunya adalah kawasan Kalibata. 

Hal itulah yang dipaparkan Achmad Setiadi, Direktur Utama PT Pardika Wisti Sarana pada pameran Real Estate (REI) Expo 2016, Minggu (8/10/2016), di Hall A & Connecting, Jakarta Convention Center melalui Achmad mengatakan, potensi itulah yang menurutnya menjadi penguat untuk mengembangkan Woodland Park Residence di Kalibata. 

"Salah satu pertimbangan utama adalah aksesnya yang baik menuju pusat kota, baik itu jalur kendaraan pribadi maupun angkutan umum. Karena jaraknya sangat dekat dengan stasiun commuter line, hanya beberapa ratus meter," ujar Achmad.

Dia melanjutkan, di lahan seluas kurang lebih 3,2 hektar proyek apartemen itu, hampir 80 persennya merukan lahan hijau berupa puluhan pohon tua yang membentuk "hutan kota" mungil di sekeliling apartemen.

"Selain tersedianya akses angkutan umum yang mampu memacu pertumbuhan bisnis komersial, lahan hijau akan menjadi penguatnya," kata Achmad. 

Pardika Wisti Sarana merupakan anak usaha pengembang properti Daniland Grup. Saat ini Pardika membangun lima menara di proyek Woodland Park Residence. Kelima proyek itu antara lain Tower Matoa, Trembesi, Cendana, Mahogany, serta satu tower kondotel. Kondotel tersebut dikelola oleh Swiss-Belhotel International.

"Jakarta Selatan itu kan sudah lebih dulu didominasi hunian sebelum area perkantoran ramai seperti sekarang ini. Tapi, jika dibanding area lain Jakarta Selatan masih lebih hijau, dan untuk aksesnya masih sangat didukung dengan infrastruktur transportasi yang baik, seperti MRT dan commuter line," ujar Achmand.

Pada REI Expo 2016 yang digelar sejak Sabtu (8/10/2016) sampai 16 Oktober itu, lanjut Achmad, Woodland memamerkan unitnya di di Hall A & Connecting, Jakarta Convention Center. Dia menjamin penawaran terbaik berupa 7 tipe apartemen yang 100 persen siap huni sesuai kebutuhan, mulai dari tipe studio, satu kamar tidur sampai tipe penthouse.

Infomasi sewa dan pembelian unit dapat menghhubungi Marketing Sales in-charge Woodland Park, 
Adi ST - 081375736074

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Konsep Transit Oriented Development jadi tren yang dijual Developer

JAKARTA - Direktur utama PT Pardika Wisthi Sarana Achmad Setiadi menyatakan konsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) menjadi tren yang coba 'dijual' oleh developer. 

"Pengembang berlomba-lomba membangun properti berkonsep properti TOD atau paling tidak dekat dengan TOD, kata Achmad Setiadi".

Konsep TOD merupakan salah satu pendekatan pengembangan kota yang mengadopsi tata ruang campuran dan maksimalisasi penggunaan angkutan massal seperti busway, kereta api listrik (KRL), Light Rail Transit (LRT), serta dilengkapi jaringan pejalan kaki. 

"Arahnya, pengembangan infrastruktur itu akan mengikuti target pengembangan Smart Sustainable City yang sedang dikerjakan oleh Pemerintah pusat, "kata Achmad.

Pardika Wisthi Sarana telah membangun apartemen selain mendekatkan lokasi huniannya dengan sentra transportasi publik, juga pengembang menyediakan area hijau juga menjadi hal utama mengembangkan produk huniannya di kota besar. Konsep properti hijau secara integral semakin menjadi syarat utama kenyamanan tinggal di kota besar seperti Jakarta.  

Dua keunggulan itulah yang berusaha dibuktikan oleh PT Pardika Wisthi Sarana (PWS) melalui proyek apartemen dan kondotelnya, Woodland Park Residence, di kawasan Kalibata. Selain dekat dengan stasiun kereta api sebagai transportasi publik, penyediaan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di kawasan hunian vertikal ini menjadi daya jual utama kepada konsumen. Sebagai dukungan konsep properti hijau tersebut, pengembang ini juga menggunakan gas sebagai sumber daya listrik paling utama.  

"Kami justru membalik kebiasaan, karena di sini kami menjadikan listrik dari PLN sebagai back up, sementara gas sebagai power utama pasokan listrik," ujar Emil Arifin, Komisaris Utama PWS dan Daniland Group di Jakarta, Kamis (21/2/2013) melaui 

"Di sini kami jadikan Gas Engine sebagai pemasok utama untuk listrik seluruh hunian. Ini kami pilih karena merupakan sumber energi yang bersih dan ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, pemakaian gas ini juga menjadi upaya untuk lebih hemat energi," tambahnya. 

Dengan demikian, lanjut Emil, penghuni apartemen dapat lebih hemat biaya listrik karena beberapa item dalam unit apartemen ini dirancang dengan tepat. Sebutlah misalnya, pemberian lapisan khusus pada kaca untuk meredam panas matahari. 

"Kami gunakan lapisan khusus kaca ini agar penghuni bisa mengurangi penggunaan AC secara berlebihan pada siang hari," ujarnya. 

Adapun konsep properti hijau yang telah direalisasikan secara besar-besaran di proyek Woodland Park Residence adalah penerapan rasio 80:20, yaitu alokasi 80 persen lahan hijau dan 20 persen lahan bangun. Emil mengatakan, pihaknya berkomitmen memelihara ruang terbuka hijau berupa lahan terbuka penuh pepohonan, terutama yang telah berusia lebih dari seratus tahun. 

"Sejak awal kami mulai membuat pondasi, kami sudah menyelamatkan pohon-pohon ini dengan memindahkannya dan tidak ditebang. Dengan begitu, arsitek kami berusaha menyesuaikan untuk memposisikan bangunan miring ke sana-kemari untuk mengarahkan angin ke dalam hunian. Kami juga mendesain bangunan sedemikian rupa agar bisa mendinginkan ruangan secara alami," ujar Emil. 

Sebagai daya dukung konsep tersebut, PWS juga cat menggunakan low water based atau cat dengan kadar racun rendah yang dapat menstabilkan temperatur agar tidak terlalu memantulkan panas. Selain itu, pihaknya juga melengkapi kawasan hunian dengan 1.200 sumur resapan. 

Sekarang adalah momen yang sangat tepat bagi masyarakat untuk investasi di apartemen mengingat ada peningkatan capital gain bisa mencapai 3 kali lipat dalam lima tahun terakhir. 

"Properti ini sudah ready, produknya sudah jelas, siap disewakan, dibangun oleh arsitek dan kontraktor ternama jadi pembeli tidak menghadapi resiko ditinggal lari oleh developer," kata Dedi. 

Saat ini Woodland Park Residances memiliki 7 tipe unit apartemen mulai dari studio, 1 bedroom, 1+1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 2+1 bedroom, Townhouse dan Penthouse. 

Harga saat ini dibanderol mulai dari 900 jutaan (tipe studio) hingga 7 miliar untuk tipe yang termahal (Penthouse). 

Adapun untuk penyewaan PWS telah bekerjasama dengan Swiss Belresidances yang telah berpengalaman di bidangnya dalam mengelola bisnis hotel.

Harga sewa unit apartemen terbilang cukup tinggi sehingga bisa menjadi investasi untuk pemiliknya. Potensi investasi apartemen sewa ditawarkan Woodland Park Residances karena kondisinya sekarang 100% siap huni. Rata-rata yield sewa sebesar 6,5-8% setiap tahun sehingga cukup menguntungkan.  

Fasilitas lengkap dan modern seperti 2 side entrance melalui Jalan Pangadegan dan Jalan Kalibata Raya, parkir luas dengan 624 lot parkir mobil, 171 lot parkir motor, dan 68 lot parkir sepeda, tree pit yang dipenuhi pohon-pohon tua dan rindang seluas 960m2, swimming pool, children pool, sky lounge, gym, serta triple-play (tv cable, internet, dan telepon) dihadirkan untuk menunjang aktifitas anda bersama keluarga. 

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi Marketing Sales, Adi ST081375736074 (wa)
atau Hutama Aditya (081315915642) 

Thursday 10 August 2017

Belajar Mikrotik untuk pemula : Dasar Seting Mikrotik

Pada dasarnya blog Tutorial Mikrotik Indonesia ini memang di buat untuk menyajikan tutorial dasar Mikrotik bagi pemula berupa setingan dasar Mikrotik dari awal. Nah, untuk itu bagi anda yang baru mengenal mikrotik dan ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang Mikrotik, silakan simak artikel yang ada di blog ini :

1. Sebelum anda mulai belajar Mirotik, ada baiknya anda belajar dulu tentang dasar jaringan komputer disini :
2. Selanjutnya anda juga perlu tau tentang dasar-dasar istilah Mikrotik berikut :  

Namun jika teman-teman belum paham tentang apa itu Mikrotik karena baru belajar dan tau Mikrotik, saya rekomendasikan untuk menyaksikan dulu Video Tutorial Mikrotik tentang Apa Itu Mikrotik berikut ini.


3. Jika anda ingin menggunakan Mikrotik tanpa RouterBoard, yaitu dengan menginstall Mikrotik di PC, silakan simak artikel berikut ini :
Tutorial Cara Instalasi Mikrotik RouterOS

4. Jika Anda ingin belajar Mikrotik menggunakan Simulator seperti Packet Tracer, Anda bisa gunakan Simulator Mikrotik di GNS3, seperti Tutorial Mikrotik disini :
Belajar Mikrotik tanpa RouterBoard Menggunakan GNS3 Simulator
5. Untuk mengakses Mikrotik anda dari PC dilakukan dengan cara-cara berikut ini :  
4 cara dalam mengakses Mikrotik

Salah satu cara untuk mengakses (remote) Mikrotik RouterOS adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi Winbox Mikrotik. Untuk lebih paham tentang penggunaan Winbox Mikrotik, silakan saksikan Video Tutorial Cara Menggunakan Winbox Mikrotik berikut ini :
6. Selanjutnya anda dapat konfigurasi Mikrotik anda sesuai dengan keinginan dan tujuan anda. Silakan cari tutorial yang sesuai seperti disini :

Sumber: Mikrotikindo

London Startups Flock & AidTech announced as semi-finalists for IBM SmartCamp

Congratulations to London companies Flock and AidTech for being announced as semi-finalists in IBM SmartCamp's global pitch competition.

It’s been 8 years since IBM began producing IBM SmartCamp, a global pitch competition providing founders everywhere with coaching, mentorship, connections, and a stage to share their businesses with the world.

Every year the competition has evolved to provide more value to an increasingly more impressive group of startups. For the last two years, a partnership with Silicon Valley angel investor Jason Calacanis has helped provide 10 semi-finalists with an incredible opportunity to come to San Francisco, demo at LAUNCH Festival, and compete for $25,000.

This year there were twenty-six local SmartCamp: Build events where early-stage startups in San Francisco, London, Tokyo and beyond went head-to-head pitching their companies to compete for a spot in the 2017 SmartCamp semi-finals.

A group of judges from IBM and LAUNCH then judged the winners from each city to select ten semi-finalists. Click link to see complete list!

It’s been 8 years since IBM began producing IBM SmartCamp, a global pitch competition providing founders everywhere with coaching, mentorship, connections, and a stage to share their businesses with the world.

Every year the competition has evolved to provide more value to an increasingly more impressive group of startups. For the last two years, a partnership with Silicon Valley angel investor Jason Calacanis has helped provide 10 semi-finalists with an incredible opportunity to come to San Francisco, demo at LAUNCH Festival, and compete for $25,000.

This year there were twenty-six local SmartCamp: Build events where early-stage startups in San Francisco, London, Tokyo and beyond went head-to-head pitching their companies to compete for a spot in the 2017 SmartCamp semi-finals.

A group of judges from IBM and LAUNCH then judged the winners from each city to select ten semi-finalists. And today we’re excited to announce who they are!

The 2017 IBM SmartCamp: Build semi-finalists are:

Aid Technology (London): Bringing transparency and efficiency to the distribution of funds and social services by governments & NGOs. (Mexico City): Get qualified on-demand workers in 24 hours.

ATCARTA (Seoul): Spatially Accurate Virtual Reality for Real Estate.

Flock (London): Data-driven risk analysis for drones.

Legal Robot (San Francisco): Helping businesses understand legal language using AI.

Motorleaf (Montreal): Turn any indoor garden into a connected, smart garden.

Nuco (London, Ontario): Allows enterprise clients to seamlessly set up a private blockchain.

Pyrenees Inc (Tokyo): Driving assistance system for every car.

Robokind (Dallas): Advanced social robotics.

RufusLabs (Los Angeles): Wearable technology for a superhuman workforce.

All ten semi-finalists will attend LAUNCH Festival as VIPs where they will have demo tables, lunch with Jason Calacanis, and network with Silicon Valley investors.
Three finalists will pitch on stage at LAUNCH Festival. They’ll also land an interview spot on the podcast “This Week in Startups”.

And one lucky startup will win a $25,000 investment from Jason Calacanis and a spot in the LAUNCH Incubator.

Congratulations to all the semi-finalists!

Check out the IBM Global Entrepreneur program to tap into other events like SmartCamp and access resources to advance your startup’s success. 

Sumber: IBM Global

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Ebook Mikrotik ini berupa slide presentasi para expert Mikrotik pada Mikrotik User Meeting (MUM). Silakan bagi anda yang ingin Download eBook Tutorial Mikrotik Lengkap klik link dibawah ini :

Download eBook Mikrotik Free

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Training a startup nation – How these companies are transforming Japan

It’s clear that the Japanese startup scene has come a long way in the last decade. The country’s market, often considered “closed” by outsiders, is nonetheless a huge breeding ground for innovative, competitive companies. Japan’s corporations are taking notice, with a growing number of corporate VC’s jumping into the ecosystem. Some of the hottest sectors of the market, like fintech, are projected to grow at astronomical rates in the coming years.

While there are a slew of startups making themselves known in the Japanese ecosystem, what can the ecosystem do to keep up its momentum? After the current generation of startups gets off the ground, how will the next one grow bigger and better?

At this year’s Tech in Asia Tokyo conference on September 27 & 28, we’ve invited speakers that have years of experience dealing with these exact questions. Come to the Main Stage and hear first hand what’s necessary to make Japan a startup nation.

Skyland Ventures: Nurturing young, undiscovered startups

Skyland Ventures is a Tokyo-based VC that works closely with Japanese startups throughout their growth. Skyland focuses on seed and pre-seed investment in Japan. Founder Max Kinoshita says that pre-seed rounds in Japan are sadly lacking, with “almost no one willing to invest at the pre-seed level.” Hence, their funds have often centered on finding young, undiscovered startups that can often have trouble getting the attention of VCs early on.

The company also hosts several events for young startups, such as its SEEDS program. Every week, startups or entrepreneurs with an idea can come in to consult with Skyland’s experts to chart their course. The program also serves as a pipeline for startups looking for seed funding, giving startups a clear path towards making some initial growth.

Last year, Skyland Ventures opened up Hive Shibuya, a communal space for startups to take advantage of seminars, matching services, and mentoring.

Coming to the Main stage at Tech in Asia Tokyo 2017 will be Skyland Ventures’ very own Max Kinoshita, founder and managing partner of the VC. Prior to starting Skyland, Kinoshita worked for a securities company’s VC division. Since then, he has invested in more than 40 companies, mainly in Japan.

Make School: Educating tomorrow’s developers

Founded in 2012 in San Francisco, Make School’s team spans the globe. Their mission: to transition students into successful careers in the tech industry. Make School offers tutelage to students both in person and over the internet, with over 1.5 million students taught online.

Make School’s flagship program Product College provides specialized coursework for startup founders and developers, with a pay-as-you-earn model to ease the cost for young entrepreneurs.

Make School recently wet its feet in the Japanese ecosystem by announcing a partnership with Z-Kai. The two opened a programming school for aspiring developers, with the first session closing earlier this year.

At the Main stage this year will be Japan country manager Miki Nomura. Along with overseeing Japanese enrollment in Product College, Nomura aims to make success stories out of students of the Tokyo Summer Academy.

Protostar: Connecting this generation of startups with the next

Protostar supports investors, projects, and startups to help maintain a healthy ecosystem within Japan. The company links startups with resources throughout their development, from nurturing relationships and funding early on to PR and sales later.

The company also links past startups to current startups, so that the current generation of startup heads can learn from the success of their predecessors. Protostar’s invite-only Salon events also provide a place for rising startups to gather info and make connections specific to their field of interest. Their accelerator Starburst is also unique in that it targets the “barebones” startups in their infancy, connecting them with older startups to give them a roadmap to success.

CCO Yusuke Kurishima will take the stage at this year’s conference to say more about supporting Japan’s ecosystem. Before establishing Protostar, Kurishima specialized in working with seed and pre-seed startups, making him an expert in education for fresh startups.

See what’s in store for the Japanese ecosystem at #tiatokyo2017

That’s not all we have in store for you at #tiatokyo2017. Our Main stage will be flanked by several more, with key figures in the industry giving you their views and insights straight from the stage.

There’s also more to the action at Tech in Asia Tokyo than the Main stage. We’ll have over 150 startups showcasing their stuff at Bootstrap Alley, and our Arena pitch battle where some of the coolest startups will try to wow our judges.

If you don’t want to miss out on this and more, buy your tickets now and get 15 percent off with the code tiatokyo15. This offer only lasts until August 18, 23:59 (GMT +9), so act soon.

Please note that Tech in Asia Tokyo 2017 is a bilingual event with simultaneous interpretation provided for all sessions.

Editing by Ng Jing Wen, Cheong Hui Min and David Corbin
(And yes, we’re serious about ethics and transparency. More information here.)





4 questions to cut awkward silences when networking

Networking can be either the most fulfilling or most terrifying part of an event. Regardless of how you find it, there’s no disputing how rewarding it can be. A great networking session could land you your next professional partnership or perhaps even an injection of fresh funds from an investor. If you aren’t networking yet, you should get on it soon – or you’ll be missing out on a whole lot of potential opportunities.
Initiating a conversation can be as easy as extending your hand out for a handshake. But beyond that, it takes a bit more legwork than “hi, hello, how’s the weather.” Here are a few questions you can use at your next event to keep the conversation going and prevent any awkward silences:

1. What did you think of the talk?

This question is an automatic conversation starter right off the bat. It works especially well if you don’t know who the person is and what he or she does beforehand. At that point, all you have in common is attendance at the same event. Asking about how the talk was for him or her opens the conversation up to topics that you share similarities with already.

2. How is your startup/industry doing?

There is a chance that you might find yourself face-to-face with an entrepreneur from an entirely different industry. Take this as an opportunity to learn more about their industry as a whole, how they got into it, and how they foresee it in the future. Just as how you’re not familiar with his or her industry, your conversation partner may not be privy to yours as well. This could be a great learning experience for both of you.

If you chance upon someone who works in the same industry, ask about their careers—how their work is like, how they succeeded, if they can share any marketing insights or tips. Who knows? You might even pick up a thing or two from your conversation.

3. What do you like outside of work?

Networking doesn’t have to be all business. Sometimes, a little light-hearted chat can keep the conversation flowing. Casual topics like book recommendations, favourite sports team, and general life advice generates a lot of rapport with a person. It establishes familiarity you can bank on for heavier topics you wish to discuss.

4. Can we keep in contact after the event?

There will be situations where you hit it off with someone or made a useful contact, but it’s time for you to move on and network with other people. In these times, this question is a great way for you to wrap up the conversation neatly. Make sure to exchange your contact information or business cards with each other and plan a future meeting. You wouldn’t want to lose your new contact, would you?

Network at one great event

The wonder of networking is forming connections that weren’t previously possible. Whether you’re just there to mingle with like-minded startup founders or forge new business partnerships, networking is an invaluable skill you need in your professional career.

If you’re interested in building contacts with amazing entrepreneurs, founders, and investors, you’ll want to check out Tech in Asia Jakarta 2017 because over 6,000 of them will be in attendance! From November 1 to 2, you can meet engaging personalities from the tech community, rub elbows with the head honchos of the tech industry, and pitch to willing investors!

Tickets are now going at 25 percent off. You can use the code tiajkt25 at checkout to save 25 percent on your purchase. But better hurry, this offer only lasts until tomorrow, August 11, 23:59 (GMT +7). Get yours below now!

Sumber: Techinasia